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Save 21% on solar credits applied to your JCP&L electricity bill.
Our community solar projects throughout New Jersey generate clean energy without the hassle or expense of installing solar panels.
Here’s how it works:
Our solar projects generate power from the sun
We feed that clean power into the local JCP&L power grid
A portion of that clean power is allocated to you every month, in the form of solar credits
You receive a separate statement from Solar Landscape showing the discounted solar credits and how much you saved each month
Save 21% on solar credits applied to your JCP&L electricity bill.
Our community solar projects throughout New Jersey generate clean energy without the hassle or expense of installing panels.
Here’s how it works:
Our solar projects generate power from the sun
We feed that clean power into the local JCP&L power grid
A portion of that clean power is allocated to you every month, reducing what you pay JCP&L
You receive a separate statement from Solar Landscape showing the discounted solar credits and how much you saved each month
2 Minutes Saves You 21%
No upfront fees to enroll.
You always save money with community solar.
You'll save 21% guaranteed on the community solar credits applied to your JCP&L electricity bill.
The good we do together
Solar Landscape projects offset the equivalent of 2M gallons of gasoline burned per year.
Estimated yearly savings based on $2,400 annual electricity bill.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
As Seen In
What is community solar?
What are community solar credits?
How will I see my guaranteed savings?
Why are there limited spaces?